midkin iOS & Web Development
midkin.eu - Tweaks - SmartVolumeControl2


by midkin

Compatibility: iOS 7.0 to iOS 12.x

SmartVolumeControl2 brings thirteen (13) different volume HUD replacements, each one built and designed to offer aesthetic changes, usability improvements, and more. Most presentation styles are smart and touchable, meaning that by enabling the activation support, you can both present and set your device's volume level without having to press any hardware button/switch. Your device's volume control on your fingers.

Plenty available styles.

SmartVolumeControl2 gives you access to thirteen (13) different styles to choose from, including Youtube's, Apollo's, Twitter's, iOS11Player presentation styles and many more concepts made specially for your device.

Customisations? No problem.

SmartVolumeControl2 allows you to pick among four (4) skins on most view styles to match your favor or theme. Choose among Light/Dark/Darker or Black(OLED mode). It also allows you to enable the percentage display of the volume level, add a shake animation on mute or even add haptic/taptic feedback!

Anything more?

SmartVolumeControl2 will allow you to change the volume steps (click between min and max volume), HUD's auto-dismissal time, add iPad's fast mute feature (immediately mute device if press and hold volume down), and even change volume level and present your HUD at lockscreen by also choosing to wake or not the screen! It also includes Activator support so you can present you HUD however you like.

Price: FREE at midkin's repo.

Development status: Inactive.